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homepage » 2009 » november » 20 » ART Youth Exchange in Bulgaria - Call for Partners
ART Youth Exchange in Bulgaria - Call for Partners

Posted by: ""

Partners thoughtassociation


Arts in action
/Look at me, Hear me…/
Youth exchange
In the surroundings of Sofia,
Bulgaria ? May, 2010

Context and motivation

In the European year of creativity and innovation the main aim of our
project is to support the different interests of the youngsters in
order to provoke their artistic abilities. Also we would like to
sustain already built connections and to stimulate more successful
collaboration among young people from Europe. The young Europeans need
to realize that it is already high time to express their opinion about
their concerns to the world. We believe that the tools of the art are
one of the best ways to do that.

Goals and Objectives
We want to use the diverse artistic skills of the youngsters in order
to support them to create their own "massage to the world”
which is to be spread out throughout Europe.


Thanks to the project we intend to gather prospective partners
together from different countries so that we can support the mutual
understanding and cultural diversity. The participants will get to
know each other through their work together exploring traditional
music of the presented countries. The youth people will have the
opportunity to be lyrics writers, cameramen, singers, dancers and etc.
Several days of workshops will entertain our participants with a lot
of music, dancing and filming. In their work they will be supported by
professionals. The young people will participate as best as they can.
The final goal will be the creation of a song and professionally
shooted video clip. The result of their efforts will spread out in
Bulgarian and the participating countries. In the end of the project
there will be dancing and singing show performed by all participants.

Target Group

Youngsters of non-profit organizations or associations and any local,
regional or national public bodies from EU 27 member states and
Program countries. Seven participants from each group will be accepted.


70% of travel costs, 100% of food and lodging costs and exceptional
costs such as actual costs covering visa, visa-related costs and
vaccination costs, as well as costs related to participants with fewer
opportunities/ special needs will be covered.


If you want to participate in the project, please fill the partnership
agreement form and send it scanned by e-mail on the 27th November 2009
the latest.

Do not forget to send the original part III form signed and stamped
(23th November 2009 the latest) via post to:

"THOUGHT& rdquo; Association
Sofia, 18 "Plachkovski manastir” str., ent. 3, floor.1, apt.3


Momchil Genov
(Project Coordinator)
"THOUGHT& rdquo; Association
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