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Independent Projects awards provide funding to artists and arts managers who propose to undertake projects in the United States in collaboration with a US non-profit arts organization or individual artist. Applicants must have a letter of invitation from a US partner in order to apply for an Independent Projects award. If you do not have a letter of invitation, please consider applying to the Residencies program. Awardees are responsible for arranging all the details of the project including all travel and housing arrangements. Proposals must be thoroughly researched and clearly describe the project. They must include a detailed budget that indicates exact resources and expenses. Eligible project dates: May 1, 2010 – April 30, 2011 Maximum award: $5,000 Support is provided to create new work that draws inspiration from interaction with artists and the community in the US; to establish mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and expertise between artists,
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With its travel grants, the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe offers young people the chance to get to know European neighbours as well as to face current cultural or political developments of the respective country. It is important that these developments have to be seen in context of the guest countries’ relations with the EU. This way the Foundation wants to make a contribution towards a better understanding among European people and for the idea of a united Europe. The travel grant amounts to 550,- €. The terms and condidtions can be found here. The terms and conditions applying for the classical travel grants can be found below: 1. With its travel grants the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe offers young people the chance to get to know European neighbours as well as to face current cultural or political developments of the respective country. It is important that these developments have to be seen in context of the guest countries
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The Collaborative Research Grants in the Humanities program provides support of up to $50,400 for U.S. scholars conducting humanities research in any country of Eurasia and Eastern Europe. (See list of eligible countries below.) This is a program of American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS in cooperation with The National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER) supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Countries Eligible for Research: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. A wide range of humanities topics are eligible for support; however, all projects must involve at least one collaborator from the region and field-based research in the region itself. In addition, a
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The United States Government, represented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking concept papers from qualified Applicants for funding of Grants and/or Cooperative Agreements. The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to publicize United States Government (USG) plans to fund a limited number of awards through USAID/Washington to support increased capacity among international family planning (FP) organizations, in order to increase the availability of quality FP services worldwide. This APS provides prospective applicants with a fair opportunity to develop and submit applications to USAID for potential funding. If an award is made under this APS, implementing partners will be supported to enhance their capacity to manage and scale up family planning interventions worldwide and in specific targeted country settings. f you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification ema
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he thematic programme ‘Investing in People’ pursues a broad approach to development and poverty reduction, with the general aim of improving human and social development levels in partner countries in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals. It is based on Article 12 of the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)8, and is detailed in the Strategy Paper for the Thematic Programme 2007-2013 More information on the web site.
Deadline: 2010/01/08
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), as part of the Special Initiative of the Swedish Government to strengthen democratization and freedom of expression, is extending grant support to NGOs, individuals and other civil society organizations in developing countries. In this context, it has currently launched a call for proposals "to support actors for change where they operate with difficulty and where there is little room for political pluralism with the view of promoting a holistic approach to human rights and embodying a pluralistic and non-discriminatory view of society.” The Initiative is an opportunity for organizations and individuals to seek funding support for activities that will lead to democratization, transparency, policy changes and pluralism by having better access to information, sharing of opinions and achieving greater freedom of expression. More information you can find on the web site.
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The Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services have announced an increase in the ACT Volunteer Reimbursement Grant available to ACT registered Not-For Profit Organisations to a maximum of $15,000.00.
This Grant is to enable organisations to reimburse volunteers for out of pocket expenses incurred while volunteering e.g. Petrol, Bus fairs, Parking etc. These expenses may include travelling from home to office, visiting or transporting clients or wherever a volunteer is required to use their own resources in their volunteering effort. For more information or to apply, contact Peter Wicks, Volunteering ACT, on (02) 6251 4060 or
Deadline: 2009/11/30 Country or region: Australia
The United Nations-backed Global Fund announced that it has approved new grants worth $2.4 billion to projects aimed at fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in low-income countries over the next two years. This latest round of grants bring the Global Fund’s overall commitment to combating the three diseases – which estimates say kill over 4 million people each year – to more than $18.4 billion for 144 countries since it was created in 2002.
"These grants enable countries around the world to address some of the main problems they are struggling with every day,” <"http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/pressreleases/?pr=pr_091112">said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chair of the Global Fund Board of Directors.
"These grants are based on the countries’ own needs and priorities and they are therefore a particularly effective source of financing,” added Dr. Ghebreyesus.
The Fund also approved the roll-out of a $216 million pilot scheme to reduce prices for effe
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The Council of Europe and the International Union of Railways (UIC) joined forces on 16 December 1994 to set up the Solidarity Fund for Youth Mobility, a fund for the mobility of disadvantaged young people. For every Inter Rail Card sold, one EURO will be donated by the International Union of Railways to the funding of projects involving Europe's young and least well off, enabling them to attend international activities, taking them on journeys of cross-cultural contact and discovery. The fund caters solely for young people from underprivileged backgrounds or economically underdeveloped areas and is intended to cover the rail travel (2nd class) of these young people participating in international educational activities. It does not assist tourist travel. To qualify for assistance, projects must involve at least two countries and a minimum of ten people. More information on the website. http://www.eyf.coe.int/fsmj/portal/media-type/html/user/anon/page/FSMJ_presentation
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Applications for grant funding are invited from individuals and organisations to support one-off strategic or specific projects or initiatives that aim to do things differently for vulnerable people, including those with disabilities.
Innovation Grants will be offered for projects or initiatives that will make a real difference to the wellbeing, quality of life and/or community participation including by way of services or supports provided to carers and families. Each application may apply for funding up to a maximum of $50,000; with the total funding pool at $200,000. Click here for more information, or contact Disability ACT on (02) 6207 1086 or DisabilityACT@act.gov.au. Deadline: 2009/12/16 Country or region: Australia
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