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The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) is pleased to announce a two-stage competitive process for 2010 funding of projects that will improve the response to trafficking in persons outside the United States. The first stage is submission and competitive panel review of two-page Statements of Interest (SOI) from organizations interested in submitting proposals for projects that combat human trafficking. In the second stage, G/TIP will invite applicants whose Statements of Interest are reviewed favorably to submit proposals that expand on their SOI. These proposals will also be reviewed by a panel for consideration of funding. This announcement initiates the first stage, and G/TIP is now requesting applicants to submit a Statement of Interest, as described in this solicitation. U.S.-based non-profit and nongovernmental organizations (NGO), public international organizations (PIO), foreign NGOs, and institutions of higher education are enco ... read more

category: grants | looked: 676 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Roberto Cimetta Fund is an international association promoting artistic exchange and the mobility of professionals in the field of contemporary performing arts and visual arts within the Mediterranean area.
In the Mediterranean region, the frontier region between the Arab, European and Turkish worlds, mobility is an historic reality and an absolute necessity today. It is essential to give shape to the concept of « the dialogue between cultures » and to ensure that individuals really meet ; more concretely this means to make financial resources available to facilitate travel, to capitalise on the opportunities for professional gathering, but also to recognise the free circulation of culture professionals as an integral part of their work. These are amongst the objectives of the Roberto Cimetta Fund.

Arts mobility, travel, meeting with other professionals are all aspects of artistic vitality. In a region where artists are often confronted with economically difficult situa ... read more
category: grants | looked: 644 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

The United States Government, represented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking concept papers from qualified Applicants for funding of Grants and/or Cooperative Agreements. The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to publicize United States Government (USG) plans to fund a limited number of awards through USAID/Washington to support increased capacity among international family planning (FP) organizations, in order to increase the availability of quality FP services worldwide. This APS provides prospective applicants with a fair opportunity to develop and submit applications to USAID for potential funding. If an award is made under this APS, implementing partners will be supported to enhance their capacity to manage and scale up family planning interventions worldwide and in specific targeted country settings.
f you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification ... read more
category: grants | looked: 685 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) has issued guidelines for providing financial support to international organizations and networks from January 2010. In this regard, it is currently accepting applications from organizations and networks under its support scheme. It plans to support only limited number of organizations due to budgetary constraints and priority will be given to applicants from South working in the gender and/or environment.
Due to budget constraints, only a very limited number of new partners will be considered for support in 2010. South-based organisations and networks working within the thematic areas gender and/or environment will be prioritised.
The applications process will be concluded within March 2010.
More information on the website.

Your electronic version must be submitted below by midnight - Norwegian time - on December 1. Paper copies must be posted on December 1.
By post marked "INGO 2010" to:
Po ... read more
category: grants | looked: 625 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

The purpose of this funding scheme is to support REDD pilot activities and development of methodologies by civil society organizations, in order to generate input to the climate change negotiations and experiences from REDD activities in the field. Input and critical review from the civil society can contribute to the establishment of more robust strategies for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. In 2010, special emphasis will be given to projects which support, and develop experiences with, the inclusion of local populations and indigenous communities in the development and implementation of REDD-activities.

"Substantial contributions in the fight towards global warming are the rationale behind the effort against deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, the climate goals will be crucial for further decisions regarding the start-up, continuation, termination or change of support. Promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction is an ove ... read more
category: grants | looked: 628 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

With each Eastward enlargement, the European Union acquires new borders and therefore new neighbouring states. The ECF wishes to strengthen cultural ties between those European countries that are not currently members of the EU and the present EU countries through supporting individual mobility in the setting-up phase of cultural and artistic initiatives. Artists and others active in the cultural sector need to meet their international peers, exchange views, cooperate, influence and learn from each other. Cross-border travel allows creative and inspiring modes of expression through collaboration and communication with other cultures. It is the life-blood of cultural cooperation. The experience and insight gained through STEP-funded travel helps careers develop and sets individuals farther along the road to creativity. S.T.E.P. (Supporting Travel for European Projects) beyond was launched in February 2003. STEP beyond offers grants to people (individuals or those representing an organis ... read more
category: grants | looked: 708 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

Proposals have been requested mostly from poor and developing countries and researchers should comprise of a team representing a proper gender balance, led by one senior researcher and the team comprising of junior members. The specific objectives of the program are to: "better understand the causes and consequences of poverty; propose pro-poor policies and programs; improve the measurement and monitoring of poverty; strengthen local research capacity on poverty issues; and develop new concepts and techniques for poverty analysis.”
More information you can find on the website.

Deadline: 2010/01/06

category: grants | looked: 542 | added: mety_ety | date: 20.11.2009 | comments (0)

The International Indigenous Women´s Forum (IIWF/FIMI) in its commitment to the empowerment of Indigenous women´s human rights and Indigenous peoples collective human rights around the world, is pleased to open the first Indigenous Women´s Fund Call for Proposals from 15 October 2009 to 15 January 2010. For more information, please visit:
Deadline: 2010/01/15

category: grants | looked: 570 | added: mety_ety | date: 20.11.2009 | comments (0)

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