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homepage » 2009 » november » 21 » Climate and Forest Initiative Support Scheme
03:07 Climate and Forest Initiative Support Scheme |
The purpose of this funding scheme is to support REDD pilot activities and development of methodologies by civil society organizations, in order to generate input to the climate change negotiations and experiences from REDD activities in the field. Input and critical review from the civil society can contribute to the establishment of more robust strategies for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. In 2010, special emphasis will be given to projects which support, and develop experiences with, the inclusion of local populations and indigenous communities in the development and implementation of REDD-activities.
"Substantial contributions in the fight towards global warming are the rationale behind the effort against deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, the climate goals will be crucial for further decisions regarding the start-up, continuation, termination or change of support. Promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction is an overriding objective of Norwegian foreign development policy, and thus an inherent but also overriding goal for this effort. In the work towards these goals it is a goal in itself that the climate policy and the foreign development policy are to be mutually supportive” (from the Proposition to the Storting (Prop. 1 S) 2009-2010).
More information on the website.
Deadline: 2009/12/01 http://www.norad.no/en/Support+and+tender/Support/Climate+and+Forest+Initiative+Support+Scheme
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