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The Human Rights Watch International Film Festival in partnership with Adobe Youth Voices seeks youth-produced film, video and animated works on human rights issues made by youth ages 19 and under for its third annual YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE program.
Armed with digital cameras, computers and their own boundless creativity, young people across the globe are bravely exposing human rights issues faced by themselves and their communities. YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE provides a platform for youth to share their perspectives with audiences worldwide.
To learn more and to submit your film please visit:! /call-for-submissions

To watch the films from the first yea r! of YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE please visit:

Deadline: 2009/12/10

category: events | looked: 778 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The UN General Assembly on 17 December 1999 in its resolution 54/120, endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.
The International Day is a great opportunity to rally support and get key actors involved - Governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, businesses, and young people - to focus on what has been done to further the World Programme of Action for Youth.

Email us your plans and ideas on how you will be commemorating International Youth Day in your country:

For more information please visit
category: events | looked: 744 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Global Youth Service Day is a time in the year to come together to focus the world's attention on what young people are contributing every single day.
During Global Youth Service Day, millions of youth around the world organize community service projects to address the needs of their local communities through service, to be recognized for their contributions, and to be a part of a global youth service movement.

For more information please visit:

category: conferences and training courses | looked: 11731 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The summit is organized by YES together with Tillberg Foundation and the Swedish Government as the official host. The Summit will bring together 2000 leaders and entrepreneurs from all over the world around the issues of "Youth, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability."

A signature goal of the event will be to generate and capture project ideas that are capable of generating two million 'green' enterprises or employment opportunities worldwide by 2012.
The achievement of this goal will ! be a two-part process conducted in tandem. The team will work with the YES Country Networks and other partners to identify project ideas and successful models, and to seek investments and funding. In addition YES will work with country stakeholders to create the local capacity to fulfill the goals - through the YES Fund model.

For more information please visit:

Country or region: Sweden
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 911 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The 2010 Conference of the World History Association of Texas will focus on historical and interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the people, events and ideas influential in globalization. Conference organizers welcome proposals that connect world history teaching and research.
Dr. Christie Sample Wilson
WHAT 2010 Conference
St. Edward’s University
3001 South Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78704

Deadline: 2009/12/05
Country or region: United States
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 876 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Conference is hosted by the King's College London School of Law and all proceedings will take place at the King's Strand Campus on 15th and 16th April 2010.

- Receipt of abstracts: TUESDAY, 15th DECEMBER 2009.
Abstracts should
be no more than 350 words in length and accompanied by the applicant’s
brief CV. Abstracts can ONLY be submitted via the online submissions
form at

- Successful applicants informed: 1st February 2010

- Submission of completed papers due: 15th March 2010

- Conference: 15th and 16th April 2010

- Participants: MPhil/PhD students of any educational institution worldwide.

- Public attendance is open to anyone with an interest in legal research. For planning purposes, we invite those wishing to express an interest in attending to contact


The topics to be covered by the Conference include, but are not limited to:
• Criminology and Cri ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 928 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

Democratic politics worldwide are increasingly being conducted and re-configured through the domain of digital communications networks. The socio-technical developments, such as Web 2.0, facilitating these media-saturated public spheres are in little doubt. What is highly contested however is the interpretation of what these profound changes offer for democratic governance in the twenty-first century. At its heart is the recognition that these new media networks are themselves the crucial site for a historical confrontation between opposing political and/or business interests and discourses intent upon forging new forms of social relations.
We will address questions such as:
What new forms and relations of power are produced in the digital network society? Who are the key social actors shaping the new public sphere and what are their respective strategies, framing, and repertoires of action? What is the democratic potential of Web 2.0 applications such as social networking ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 784 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

Democratic politics worldwide are increasingly being conducted and re-configured through the domain of digital communications networks. The socio-technical developments, such as Web 2.0, facilitating these media-saturated public spheres are in little doubt. What is highly contested however is the interpretation of what these profound changes offer for democratic governance in the twenty-first century. At its heart is the recognition that these new media networks are themselves the crucial site for a historical confrontation between opposing political and/or business interests and discourses intent upon forging new forms of social relations.
We will address questions such as:
What new forms and relations of power are produced in the digital network society? Who are the key social actors shaping the new public sphere and what are their respective strategies, framing, and repertoires of action? What is the democratic potential of Web 2.0 applications such as social networking ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 839 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The course is aimed at government officials, lawyers, human rights field workers and other NGO and IGO personnel and gives a full overview of international human rights standards in practice around the world.

Our three month course gives students an in-depth understanding of international human rights standards and the international machinery of the United Nations, Council of Europe, the OAS and the African Union. The course also shows how these standards are implemented and how they work in practice. There are two programmes each year: January to March and September to December.

Further information about the course

If you would like to be sent further details of the course please reply to this email or visit
 Please feel free to forward onto anyone in your organisation who you think might be interested.

Please contact Kobie Neita at +44 (0) 115 846 630 ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 971 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The conference is an initiative of the Government of Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system and civil society organizations. The conference will bring together government representatives and civil society organizations to identify priorities of action on youth to be addressed in the international development agenda beyond 2015.

With five years to go before the deadline set by the ! international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system, invites all countries to participate in the World Youth Conference 2010.
For more information please visit:

Country or region: Mexico
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 1125 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (2)

The UNESCO Center for Peace International Model United Nations is a traditional overnight student's summer camp for national and international students from around the world who gather in the US for a two-week session to meet and interact with likeminded students from the other part of the globe.
We seek and encourage participation of future leaders who will use their experience on the camp to promote peace and cultural integration when they return home. Successful completion of the camp entitle par! ticipants with the title of "Builders of the Universe" committed to Pe a! ce and well aware of global issues.
For more information please visit:

Country or region: United States

category: conferences and training courses | looked: 1016 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

Next year's World Council will provide a unique opportunity to celebrate the YMCA Movement's life and work in 124 countries. It will engage participants in! dialogue and sharing on some of the most critical challenges within and outside the Movement.
Prior to the World Council Meeting, there will be a 3-day International Youth Forum. The Youth Forum aims to empower young men and women to advocate on global issues that impact their lives and their communities. It also provides training to prepare youth delegates for active participation at the World Council. New communications technology will be leveraged to enable young people across the world that could not come to Hong Kong to input into the discussions with youth delegates in Hong Kong.
Further information on World Council 2010 including programme details, fees and registration form will be communicated to YMCA National Movements in early July this year. ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 951 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) Youth Network hosts annual Youth Assemblies in the Hague, the Netherlands. THIMUN is an international network of youth that come together to learn how to create successful projects to raise awareness about different global issues.

The network will be hosting its next conference from January 24-29, 2010.

More! information about the THIMUN Youth Network and its Assembly can be fo u! nd

Country or region: Netherlands
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 701 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The World Urban youth Assembly will be held on 19-20 March 2010 prior to the Fifth Session of the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Young people will meet to discuss and debate issues of concern among themselves focused on urbanization, unemployment, human settlements and good governance.

The youth assembly assists youth to make meaningful contributions into the discussions of the World Urban Forum.
The World Urban Youth Assembly will have the following strategic goals: to become the premier platform for youth to discuss lessons learned from UN-HABITAT and partners' programmes in the area of urban you! th led development; to profile and disseminate models of urban youth l e! d development developed by UN-HABITAT and its partners; and to become a platform for experts and practitioners to deliberate on research, policy and practice as well as lessons learned on urban youth issues.

For more information please visit: ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 783 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

In response to requests from the many South Asian CONTACT participants in our US program, we are opening a satellite CONTACT course for South Asians. Its goal is to increase the capacity of South Asians in social, economic, and political peacebuilding, thereby establishing collaborative cross-border relationships that will contribute to sustainable peace and increased development. Some of the outstanding professors > from CONTACT will join the CONTACT South Asia faculty, supplemented by experts from the region. Peacebuilding Training and Education for SAARC Emerging Leaders SAARC-South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation February 7-17, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal
CONTACT, or Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, is a short-term, concentrated training program for emerging leaders from around the world who are engaged in responding to conflict, promoting social change, and building sustainable ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 697 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

The award and stipend of $1,000 is given yearly for outstanding work in twentieth-century history of medicine or medical science, as demonstrated by the completion of the Ph.D. and a proposal to turn the dissertation into a publishable monograph.

The Ph.D. must have been completed and the degree granted within the last five years (i.e., 2005–2009). The application must include a curriculum vitae, the dissertation abstract, a one-page summary of the proposed book; a description (not exceeding two pages) of the work to be undertaken for publication; and two letters of support from faculty members knowledgeable about the applicant’s dissertation.
This award honors Jack D. Pressman, Ph.D., a distinguished historian of medicine and Associate Professor of the History of the Health Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco at the time of his early and unexpected death in June 1997.
The Award will be presented at the 2010 meeting of the Association, to be hel ... read more
category: contest | looked: 748 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (0)

Ewha-KOICA Master’s Program in International Studies inspires and motivates students with intensive and interdisciplinary curriculum.

* Women only
* Be government officials or employees in public sector or researchers in state institute working in her home country with a bachelor’s degree or higher
* Be nominated by her government
* Preferably be under 35 year of age
* Have sufficient command of both spoken and written English to take classes conducted entirely in English
* Be in good health, both physically and mentally, to complete the program
* Have not participated in a KOICA program or should be 5 years out of participation in a KOICA training program

For application forms for KOICA and other information , contact KOICA directly (

For more info, go to
... read more
category: scholarships | looked: 2586 | added: mety_ety | date: 30.11.2009 | comments (3)