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homepage » 2009 » november » 30 » Peacebuilding Training and Education, February 7-17, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal
Peacebuilding Training and Education, February 7-17, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal
In response to requests from the many South Asian CONTACT participants in our US program, we are opening a satellite CONTACT course for South Asians. Its goal is to increase the capacity of South Asians in social, economic, and political peacebuilding, thereby establishing collaborative cross-border relationships that will contribute to sustainable peace and increased development. Some of the outstanding professors > from CONTACT will join the CONTACT South Asia faculty, supplemented by experts from the region. Peacebuilding Training and Education for SAARC Emerging Leaders SAARC-South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation February 7-17, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal
CONTACT, or Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, is a short-term, concentrated training program for emerging leaders from around the world who are engaged in responding to conflict, promoting social change, and building sustainable peace. Founded in 1997, the CONTACT Summer Peacebuilding Institute is offered annually in June in Vermont, USA, on the SIT > campus . With more than 1000 graduates spanning the globe, CONTACT
is of proven effectiveness in educating leaders for conflict transformation, peace, and meaningful international exchange.

Forty South Asian students will be selected annually by application, based on their position, work experience, educational background, English skills, reference, and geographic location. We will seek a
balance of men and women representing all eight SAARC countries. Internationals who live and work in SAARC are also invited to apply.
In keeping with the long and successful experiences in Vermont, the format of the courses will be experiential and interactive, with an emphasis on community-building and multicultural sensitivity across all the critical divisions of religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, and other salient identities. Students who complete the program will be awarded a certificate of completion from the accredited SIT Graduate Institute, and will be networked online with more than 1000 CONTACT
graduates worldwide.

For application, course description and schedule, fees, etc. please write to

Thank you for strengthening our networks of peacebuilders.
Deadline: 2009/12/01
Country or region: Nepal
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