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homepage » 2009 » november » 30 » World Youth Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 23-28 of August 2010
World Youth Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 23-28 of August 2010
The conference is an initiative of the Government of Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system and civil society organizations. The conference will bring together government representatives and civil society organizations to identify priorities of action on youth to be addressed in the international development agenda beyond 2015.

With five years to go before the deadline set by the ! international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system, invites all countries to participate in the World Youth Conference 2010.
For more information please visit:

Country or region: Mexico
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 1126 | added: mety_ety | rating: 0.0/0
all comments: 2
2 Dr. (Mrs) Victoria A. Oni   (17.07.2010 14:21) [resource]

I am Dr. (Mrs) Victoria A. Oni, Director, Society Community Health Development Initiative, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. The organization which was established under the auspices of Osun State Government Ministry of Heath, Nigeria to organize seminars and train youth, give counselling on health etc.

We are keen to have delegation in your motivated program. Please, how would assist us and on visas of our delegation because is very strict to procure American Visas here in Nigeria. Or, if you have the similar program in another countries except US, we would like to register our delegates to participate.

Thanks for your understanding while I awaiting your response to my request.

Dr. (Mrs) Victoria A. Oni
Society Community Health Development Initiative (SCHDI)

1 Guuleed Yusuf Idaan   (23.03.2010 12:28) [resource]
All the youth in the world have no equal rights ,some have full right, according the youth in Somaliland and Somalia even they don’t see or know the youth right ,because until their mature they were in deep sea of wars ,
And also there is no embassy in their countries ,so how they can be special from the others who live in peaceful countries ,and how they will process their travel to the meeting to share the experience that they gained during their life to the other youth whom don’t met these pitter conditions

Guileed Yusuf Idaan

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