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homepage » 2009 » november » 24 » The classical travel scolarships of the Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation
The classical travel scolarships of the Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation
With its travel grants, the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe offers young people the chance to get to know European neighbours as well as to face current cultural or political developments of the respective country. It is important that these developments have to be seen in context of the guest countries’ relations with the EU. This way the Foundation wants to make a contribution towards a better understanding among European people and for the idea of a united Europe.
The travel grant amounts to 550,- €. The terms and condidtions can be found here.

The terms and conditions applying for the classical travel grants can be found below:
With its travel grants the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe offers young people the chance to get to know European neighbours as well as to face current cultural or political developments of the respective country. It is important that these developments have to be seen in context of the guest countries’ relations with the EU. This way the Foundation wants to make a contribution towards a better understanding among European people and for the idea of a united Europe.
Applicants should either be German citizens between the age of 18 and 26 who wish to travel in another European country or other Europeans between 18 and 26 who are planning a study trip to Germany. Terms and conditions for receiving this travel grant are applied to both parties.
The applicants can freely choose the country they wish to travel to. The person is expected to have a certain subject matter for the stay. The application has to give information on how the required information to this subject will be acquired in the travel country.
The trip has to be planned and carried out exclusively by the recipient and last a minimum of three to a maximum of six weeks. The recipient should have elementary knowledge of the country’s language to make the trip meaningful.
The travel grant is for € 550 (five hundred and fifty Euros). 400 € will be paid with the start of the travel and the other 150 € after submission and examination of the report.
The stipendiary has to submit a detailed report of at least ten DINA4 pages to the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation no later than three months after the end of the travel. It has to contain the acquired knowledge and experience. The subject matter has to be stated in the application and can only be changed in agreement with the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation. Invoices proving residence in the travel country will have to be enclosed to the report. An outstanding report will be awarded with a cash price.
Applications have to reach the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation until March 1st or September 1st of the year. Decisions about the applications will be made until March 15th or September 15th respectively.
The trip should be planned and carried out exclusively by the recipient and last approximately three weeks. To make the trip meaningful at least an elementary knowledge of the country’s language should exist.
Applications and reports must be written in German or English language and must be at acceptable legibility.
Along with the application the Heinz Schwarzkopf Foundation expects:
- a tabular curriculum vitae,
- a reason for the chosen country and the selected subject matter,
- details on:
the planned realisation of the subject matter,
constitution of the research
as well as travel route and means of transport
- a completed and signed application form.
The application form for the travel grant as well as the conditions of granting may be downloaded from our Form Page

Deadline: 2010/03/01
category: grants | looked: 3454 | added: mety_ety | rating: 0.0/0
all comments: 1
1 MAKERI YAKUBU AJIJI   (04.02.2010 22:13) [resource]
Can you sent application form pls, Iam A CEO of an NGO in Nigeria, i like to partner with yuour organization, and i hope to hear from you.

Makeri Yakubu Ajiji

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