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homepage » 2009 » november » 23 » Call for Partners (PBA)
Call for Partners (PBA)
Please see attachment.
Proposal Summary:

"Youth in Action” Programme, Action 4.3 - PBA

Venue: Italy

Dates: August, 2010

Partnership deadline: January 1st, 2010

Send partnership proposals to:

Project deadline: February 1st, 2010

Target group (participants) : Delegates of Organizations interested in the Theory and Practice of
Social Theatre.

The total costs (travel,
food, and accommodation) for the participants will be covered by the project.

Dear friends,

Cultural Association Orma Fluens
(Italy), along with the Department of
Arts and Sciences of Performance, "Sapienza" University of Rome,
is preparing a project proposal for the EU
Programme "Youth in Action”.

The project will be a Partnership Building Activity focused on the
preparation of a subsequent larger project on Theatre as a Social Tool
to be presented as a proposition for other projects (ex. EU Culture Programme, YIA, Citizenship etc.).
We are preparing a project to promote and develop the practice of Social
Theatre creating a stable network, gathering examples of good practices,
informing people about its aims, and educating a new generation of Social
Theatre workers.

The group of delegates participating in the PBA will gather in Italy to
work on the following specific topics:

1. Design a European Network of Social Theatre
Organizations (Social Theatre Network): Despite Social Theatre experiences are carried out in many countries,
its practices are rather isolated and disconnected.

2. Create an archive and a theoretical reflection on good
Social Theatre practices:
Understanding how, where, and when Social Theatre gives its best results it is
crucial for its development. Theoretical understanding of Social Theatre
methodologies has been poorly developed during the years.

3. Spreading information and education of Social Theatre
Trainers: Usually Social
Theatre projects are carried out by Theatre Artists lacking knowledge of Social
work or by Social workers with poor knowledge of Theatre techniques and
methodologies. A central aim of this meeting (and of the subsequent Culture
project) will be to inform people about Social Theatre aims, methodologies and
potentials, creating events (performances, seminars, training courses,
festivals) and specialist courses (University Masters, Schools).

The delegates will be invited to work together in Italy for a 5-days intensive work, according to their individual
skills, to develop partnerships and a project to be presented at the following
Culture Programme deadline.

We would like to invite you to join us as partners for this stimulating
networking opportunity. The project will be presented to European Commission
before February 1st, therefore, the deadline
to establish the partnership is January 1st, 2010. If you are
interested in joining, please send us all the information about your
organization (name, country, address, contact information, website, contact
person) along with a short description (5 lines) including general aims and
activities, and a Curriculum of the association, to

We accept
applications from the following countries:

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech
Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Riccardo Brunetti

Emanuele Nargi

Michele Cavallo

for Orma Fluens

Cultural Association Orma Fluens,
works from 1997 in the fields of art, education, and psychology. It organized,
during these years, workshops, performances, scholarly seminars, education
courses, and collaborated with several Universities for education and research
purposes. Through a dense network of collaborations and workgroups, OF
explores the potentialities of performing arts in different directions: from
social applications of Theatre (with psychiatric patients, disadvantaged
people, children), to a specific research on the expressive body by means of
new methodologies in dance (butho, contact), and through the most recent
digital technologies, always maintaining a contact with traditional arts. Orma
Fluens’ members have been involved in EU projects since 2005 as trainers,
participants, organization staff.
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