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homepage » 2009 » november » 24 » Europe is MORE than you think Award
Europe is MORE than you think Award
Young journalists, photographers and videographers are invited to compete for eight prizes in the ‘Europe is More Than You Think’ Award 2009, organised jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Youth Press, the network of young media - creators.
We want journalists, photographers and videographers who share our values, to look beyond the headlines which dominate the common understanding of Europe – big government, international finance and trade agreements – and capture the Europe which, all too often, goes unnoticed.

Our challenge to young media specialists is to cut through the stereotypes and received opinion of what Europe is, to show what Europe really stands for and what it means to be European in the 21st century.

For 60 years, the Council of Europe has promoted human rights, democracy and the rule of law. As an international institution, it has sought to bring a human touch to the European agenda, working, for example, to stop the death penalty, improve economic and social rights, safeguard the quality of medicines and end discrimination in all its forms.

The award is open to residents of Council of Europe member states,
with the most important rule being that entrants must be aged between 18 and 27.
The top submissions will be announced in December 2009. The first prize winners in each of the four categories will receive a 4-day paid visit to Strasbourg, France, to attend and report on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which takes place on 26-30 January 2010. Second and third prizes are Software packages by Adobe and books.
For details visit:

Deadline: 2009/12/06
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