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homepage » 2009 » november » 24 » Internship, Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), Belgium
Internship, Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), Belgium
Ideally, we are interested in applicants whose studies were/are related to the ICC and humanitarian law. • What is the CICC
The Coalition for the International Criminal Court includes 2,500 organizations around the world working in partnership to strengthen international cooperation with the ICC; ensure that the Court is fair, effective and independent; make justice both visible and universal;
and advance stronger national laws that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Founded in 1995, the Coalition has been an integral part of efforts that led to the establishment of the ICC. It played a major role in the organizing of the Rome Conference in 1998, where the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted, and in the rapid entry into force of the treaty on July 1, 2002.

• CICC European Office
Since 1999, the European office of the Coalition is based in Brussels with a mandate to further the Coalition’s goals with a particular focus on the 50 countries included in that region. Indeed, the "European region” includes the 15 European Union’s member states and other Western European states, the Central Eastern European and Southern Eastern European countries, the NIS (Newly Independent States) as well as the 5 CARs (Central Asian Republics).

Throughout the years, the European office has been monitoring the ICC ratification and implementation processes in those countries by supporting the work of local NGOs and governmental officials, by informing European Media and by a close cooperation with the European Institutions (Commission, Council and Parliament) and the Council of Europe, thus promoting a truly ‘European policy’ on the ICC.

• Qualifications
Interns are both undergraduate students with different backgrounds (Political Sciences, Law, International Relations) and graduate students. Preference is given to individuals who have past experience in international relations, human rights and international law. The CICC is committed to diversity in the workplace and encourages applicants regardless of race, national origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. Perfect knowledge of English and French are required. Non-EU nationals are very welcome. CICC cannot sponsor individuals applying for internships to help them obtain visas.

• Projects (list not exhaustive)
Language project [for Russian and Serb-Croat speaking interns]: a) Translation of key documents; b) Letter writing; c) Contact people in Russian and Serb-Croat speaking countries.
Supporting the ICC process in target countries: The intern would be ‘assigned’ one country per week and assist in: a) Reorganising the contacts and creating a database for each country; b) Finding new contacts among NGOs, officials and international organisations representatives; c) Compiling news and updates on the ICC status of ratification and/or implementation; d) Looking for forthcoming events - conferences, multilateral or bilateral meetings - where the ICC could be put on the agenda; e) Support with letter writing.

EU: a) Assisting in contacting officials in the EU institutions and monitor latest developments on international justice and the ICC at the EU level; b) Calendar of ICCrelated events within the European institutions]; c) Help in filing EU official documents on the ICC;
Administrative assistance: a) Producing and updating info kits for outreach efforts; b) General office maintenance (filing, photocopying, faxing etc)

• Duration of internships
Internships generally last 3 months, starting as soon as possible.

• What to expect:
Each intern works closely with a supervisor on a few projects. We try to incorporate interns as much as possible into the Coalition’s work.
The dynamic environment made possible by a global campaign involving thousand of large and small NGOs, governments, EU institutions, academics and international organisations allows different educational and professional learning opportunities.
Interns participate to weekly staff meetings, where they present their work and are eventually assigned new tasks for the week that follows.
• Remuneration
Unfortunately, internships at the CICC are unpaid. We recommend all prospective candidates to seek financial assistance from their academic institutions or seek outside fellowships, grants and personal resources.

• Application procedure
a) Review the information above carefully
b) Please send your CV together with a motivation letter to Virginie Amato at:

• Selection
Applications are reviewed on a periodic basis and short-listed candidates are invited for interviews. Supplemental information, such as writing samples maybe also requested. Candidates will receive notification on the status of their internship shortly after

Country or region: Belgium

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