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homepage » 2009 » november » 24 » Open Spaces+Visual Arts=Civic Actions, 16-22 May 2010, Vilnius
10:59 Open Spaces+Visual Arts=Civic Actions, 16-22 May 2010, Vilnius |
Soros International House is organizing Lifelong Learning program Grundtvig workshop The project has been funded with the support from European Commission. There are 20 places available (three of them are for the hosting country) for the European Union member states, Iceland, Norway (EFTA-EEA countries) and Turkey (candidate country) . We coordialy invite all, who have got interested in this workshop and who are full of creative ideas on how to encourage and stimulate civic actions among people while using visual arts in open spaces for their self expression. The full application
Country or region: Lithuania
category: conferences and training courses |
looked: 634 |
added: mety_ety
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