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The Graduate School of Management at Clark University, located in the Northeast United States, has launched a unique MBA in Social Change program. Through a new collaboration with Clark's highly respected International Development, Community, and Environment department, MBA students will learn to use modern technology and advanced analysis to creatively address environmental and development problems and promote
social justice.

Clark's diverse curriculum, global perspective, and socially-engaged community help propel students into 21st century careers in corporations, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations across the globe.

*Scholarships and assistantships are available to international students.* For Fulbright applicants, there is a guaranteed 50% cost share here at the Graduate School of Management at Clark University. For non-Fulbright applicants, the amount of aid varies considerably depending on the strength of the applicant. A couple unique ... read more
category: scholarships | looked: 656 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

I am writing to tell you about the Lally School of Management & Technology, the business school of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Our curriculum, research, and outreach activities focus on three areas: Technological Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Global Business and Political Economy. From these three focus areas, we promote innovation for societal benefit.

We designed these programs for students seeking graduate professional degrees, and we have created specific opportunities for exceptionally talented graduating seniors who have majors or minors in technical fields. We believe students would benefit from the accelerated career opportunities our programs offer.

The Lally School focuses on the strategic management of technology and on creating value to society through innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. We believe that creative thinkers who can understand and manage new technologies will be the leaders of tomorrow's business enterprises and the cr ... read more
category: scholarships | looked: 684 | added: mety_ety | date: 21.11.2009 | comments (0)

The main subject Human Nutrition is an extended program based on the former one-year Master Program, ICP Food Science and Nutrition. The theme of the program remains the same: ‘The multidisciplinary approach of the nutrition problems in the development’. The course provides an outline of all theoretical information and practical experience, directly and indirectly related to a better understanding of nutrition problems in the developing countries, their origin and solutions. The program includes lectures, research projects, Masters’ Test, case studies, discussions, seminars, demonstrations, lab work, exercises and visits. For more details go to the webpage
Admission requirements Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rector’s office.
Entry conditions Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree of min ... read more
category: scholarships | looked: 1332 | added: mety_ety | date: 20.11.2009 | comments (4)

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)

Here are the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses that will be offering scholarships starting in the academic year 2010-2011.

Students or scholars should contact the consortium offering the Masters Course for more information on courses and application procedures. Note that some websites for newly-selected projects are under construction.

category: scholarships | looked: 512 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

Full Scholarships Available for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi

The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world for its Fall 2010 intake.

The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first carbon neutral, zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy.

The Institu ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 531 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

Win a $60,000 MBA scholarship by entering your idea in the Lally Innovation competition!

Job Description : The Lally Innovation Competition aims to encourage innovators to generate ideas and spur economic development. Lally welcomes entries from prospective MBAs who have strong imaginations and a passion for innovation, along with an interest in transforming their ideas into reality.

Entrants must be applicants to the Lally MBA Program. Winners will be chosen by a panel of Lally School faculty, alumni, and regional entrepreneurs. A public online vote will also provide a component of the final award decision. Winners will receive a tuition scholarship for the Lally School’s MBA Program worth up to $60,000. The total amount of the scholarship award will depend on the strength of the candidate’s MBA application. In addition to receiving a prestigious tuition scholarship, winners will receive mentoring and support to develop their ideas at Lally. The first deadline for competition ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 497 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (1)

Country of origin


Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic and Poland

Field of study


Level of study


Requirements for application

online application at the graduate site must be completed
all certified documents must be received
you are an excellent student
you must be admitted and nominated by the faculty you applied at
you must be a national of one of the countries mentioned above
you are a future leader (of industry)
you must be strongly committed to social society

Deadline for application

5 November 2009
8 January 2010
12 March 2010
8 April 2010
12 May 2010

The UTS committee has several meetings throughout the year to judge and advice on applications. The November deadline is valid for students who want to start their studies February ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 421 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

The prestigious HSP Huygens Programme is open to excellent students from all countries. It is aimed at talented students who want to come to the Netherlands in the final phase of their bachelor’s studies or during their master’s studies.

Application Deadline: 1 February 2010.

PhD applications can only be accepted from excellent students with the Chinese, Croatian or Turkish nationality. Furthermore, the minister has allocated part of the total budget for excellent students following programmes in Dutch language and literature, or Neerlandistiek.

The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science has allocated seven million euros for excellent students coming to the Netherlands under the HSP Huygens Programme. There is no fixed number of available scholarships. The actual number is determined by the total cost of the variable components of the scholarships.

New application round
The HSP Huygens application round for the 2010-2011 academic year ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 489 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF awards grants of approximetly $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. Every year, the MMMF also invite the recipients in Washington DC to participate in a three day Awards Program organized in their honor.
Follow the application procedure below.

Application Forms: available online from November 5, 2009.
Deadline for submitting completed applications: midnight February 18, 2010
Results: ONLY successful applicants will be notified around May 1, 2010

Eligibility Criteria
A woman is eligible to apply for an MMMF grant if she meets all the following criteria:
1. Has a record of service to women and/or children in her country.
2. Resides in the U.S. or Canada at the time she submits the application.
3. Is enrolled at an accredited U.S. or Canadian educational institution for the academic year 2009-10 and remain enrolled during the ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 457 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Statistical Climatology and Hydrology research program, INRS-ETE, University of Quebec, Canada

Job Description : The Canada Research Chair on the estimation of hydrological variables announces the availability of financial support for 3 postdoctoral fellowships in statistical climatology and hydrology at the National Institute for Scientific Research, Water Earth and Environment (INRS-ETE) starting in January 2010.

Two positions are available in the field of the Estimation of Hydrometeorological variables and the third position deals with the development of innovative statistical downscaling approaches. In this context, the successful candidates are expected to rely on various methodologies such as copulas, GLM, GAM, multivariate models, regression trees, non-stationary models and/or other modeling approaches.

A Ph.D. degree in Statistics, Atmospheric Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences or Ci ... read more

category: scholarships | looked: 686 | added: mety_ety | date: 19.11.2009 | comments (0)

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