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homepage » 2009 » november » 19 » Social Sciences Open Access Repository
Social Sciences Open Access Repository
Expand the visibility and reach of your work by making it available via SSOAR - Social Sciences Open Access Repository.
If you wish to make your documents available via a repository, there are a number of good reasons for choosing SSOAR:

- SSOAR is geared towards a scholarly audience in the social sciences wishing to search quality-controlled content across disciplinary boundaries and to access documents directly and free of charge.

- SSOAR is an important resource for German, English and Spanish-speaking social scientists who wish to make documents freely
accessible to the research community in order to increase the visibility and citation frequency of their research papers.

- SSOAR offers unrestricted world-wide access to full texts - all with a standard browser.

- Each document has an individual URN (Uniform Resource Name), thereby facilitating reliable referencing adhering to scientific standards.

- Additional subject metadata ensures that documents can be sought and found easily. A simple Google search request suffices.

- Cross-linking with other resources such as portals (www.sowiport. de ) and disciplinary databases
enlarges the searchable content.

- SSOAR is networked within the growing Open Access community and guarantees technological innovativeness.

The document-deposit process comprises five easy steps and you can either self-archive your papers at:

Or we can archive the papers for you - if you have any questions relating to self-archiving, please contact Agnieszka Wenninger of the
SSOAR team ( ).

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