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homepage » 2009 » november » 23 » Summer Internship, The Center for Advanced Research, PricewaterhouseCoopers, USA
Summer Internship, The Center for Advanced Research, PricewaterhouseCoopers, USA

The internships are in the following areas:

* User modeling & adaptive systems specialist: Duties include evaluating existing methods and developing new approaches for task
detection, plan recognition and other user modeling technologies. The candidate must be currently enrolled in computer science or similar graduate program and should have prior experience in user modeling or machine learning. Knowledge of reinforcement learning or Bayesian approaches is especially desirable.

* User interface specialist: Duties include assisting with usability studies and design and implementation of human-computer interfaces.
The candidate must be currently enrolled in a computer science, MIS, or similar graduate program and should have prior experience in user interface design and implementation. Some programming will be required and familiarity with C# or .NET is preferred.

* Complex event analysis specialist: Duties include evaluating existing methods and developing new approaches for complex event
processing, identifying meaningful events within a large pool of events, event pattern recognition and evolution of event patterns over
time. The candidate must be currently enrolled in computer science or similar graduate program and should have prior experience in machine learning, data mining and text mining. Programming will be required and working knowledge of programming/scripting languages such as Java, Perl, Python and Matlab, as well as sufficient familiarity with database systems are highly desirable.

* Information extraction specialist. Duties include evaluating existing methods and developing new approaches for information
extraction from unstructured/semi-structured text. The candidate must be currently enrolled in computer science or similar graduate program and should have prior experience dealing with information retrieval and complex text processing problems. Programming will be required and working knowledge of programming/scripting languages such as Java, Perl and Python, text processing tools such as Lucene and Nutch as well as sufficient familiarity with database systems are highly desirable.

* Time-series data analyst: Duties include analyzing financial and operational time-series data to identify patterns and complex events
that may indicate opportunities for improving a company's internal processes. The candidate must be currently enrolled in a computer
science, statistics, or similar graduate program and have prior experience developing algorithms for time-series and transactional data. Programming will be required and familiarity with SQL and Matlab/ R is preferred. Previous experience analyzing business data is not
necessary but considered a plus.

* Healthcare data mining specialist: Duties include developing and evaluating advanced algorithms for classification, anomaly detection,
and exploratory data analysis to detect fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare data. The candidate must be currently enrolled in a
computer science, statistics, or similar graduate program and should have prior experience dealing with large and complex data analysis
problems. Programming will be required and familiarity with SQL, Matlab, and/or R is preferred.

In addition to our summer positions, we have internship opportunities available throughout the year. If you are an exceptional candidate
with experience in one of the above areas, please apply and note your desired internship period.

Each intern will select a task, the details of which will be based on the match of project needs to student backgrounds, but will be hands-
on, involving substantial design, analysis and interaction with live data. Interns, like all members of the staff at the Center, are expected to be curious, eager to learn, passionate to contribute their ideas, accepting of criticism and suggestions, and willing to
constructively confront difficult problems and situations. The candidate should also have excellent verbal and written communication

Application Process

To apply for an internship position, complete your PwC Profile at and attach your resume as either a Word or PDF document. Once completed, please send an email to
 with "CAR- 'your area of interest' and 'desired period'" as the subject. Do not attach your resume to the email.

If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted by a PwC representative to arrange an interview date and time. All positions
are in San Jose, CA. Compensation is commensurate with experience.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is an equal opportunity employer.

About PricewaterhouseCoopers

The mission of PricewaterhouseCoopers� Center for Advanced Research, located in San Jose, California, is to create competitive advantage and industry leadership for the firm by applying advanced technology and thinking to important practice problems. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ( provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services for public and private clients primarily in four areas: corporate accountability; risk management; structuring and mergers and acquisitions; and performance and process improvement. PricewaterhouseCoopers is a truly global organization with member firm offices in 766 cities in 150 countries. With a combined headcount of more than 146,000, PwC firms rank amongst the world's leading employers of highly skilled, professional people.
Country or region: United States

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