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homepage » 2009 » november » 21 » USA: Graduate Assistantship and Public Service Internship Program, University of Illinois Springfield
USA: Graduate Assistantship and Public Service Internship Program, University of Illinois Springfield
University of Illinois Springfield
Graduate Public Service Internship Program (GPSI) and Graduate Assistantship Program (GA)

Graduate Public Service Internship Program (GPSI)

The Graduate Public Service Internship Program (GPSI) is a unique internship experience that provides full-time graduate students with the opportunity to gain experience in their field through a 21 months internship while earning a master's degree at the University of Illinois Springfield. GPSI interns work 20 hours per week during the academic year for a stipend of $950 per month, and 37.5 hours per week during summer for a monthly stipend of $1900, and receive a 40 credit hour tuition waiver and an annual $300 professional development fund to be used for workshops, journals, etc. GPSI is a competitive internship program with companies surrounding the capital city of Springfield, Illinois. The internship program begins August 16 of each year. For additional information, please visit the GPSI website http://gpsi.

*Graduate Assistantship Program (GA)
Graduate assistantships at the University of Illinois Springfield are designed to recruit outstanding and promising students to graduate study with special attention to enhancing diversity and providing appropriate graduate-level learning experiences. Graduate assistants' activities are varied, and may include conducting survey research, mentoring undergraduates, developing websites, etc. The monthly stipend for first year graduate assistants is $887 or $7987 for nine months. Graduate assistants also receive a tuition waiver for 8 to 12 credit hours per semester, and graduate assistants who serve during fall and/or spring semester receive a tuition waiver of up to six hours for the subsequent summer session. For additional information, please visit the graduate assistantship website

Samba Dieng
University of Illinois
Springfield- sdien2@uis. edu
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