Warwick Sociology Department would like to announce a call for abstracts from postgraduate students wishing to present at the Warwick Postgraduate Conference 2010 ‘Whose Rights? How Right?’. This is a conference run by and for postgraduate students in the social sciences and humanities and provides and exciting opportunity to present your work in a friendly and supportive environment.
The conference theme concerns "rights." From rights claimed on the basis of humanity to those relating to a specific group in a specific setting; are rights so ubiquitous that they are rendered meaningless? What does it mean to have rights, morally and/or legally? How are they allocated, by whom, and who is included and excluded? These are some of the questions that the conference hopes to address. Abstracts submitted for presentation at the conference might cover some of the following topics –though this list is not exhaustive of the theme of rights and related abstracts on other topics are welcome:· Theoretical perspectives on rights from classical to more recent developments in theories of rights· Legal vs. moral rights· Human rights· Citizenship and rights· Gender based rights· Age based rights –children and the elderly· Animal rights· Disabled peoples’ rights· Minority culture/language rights· Religious rights· Workers’ rights· The intersection of different types of rights· Intellectual property rights, including music/film rights·
Please send abstracts to Melissa Menent:
Ensure that you state your name, department and institution in the same document as the abstract. The deadline for abstract submission isResearch process -what rights do we afford to participants? Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and presentation of the papers should not exceed 20 minutes.