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«  november 2009  »
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homepage » 2009 » november » 28 » Senior research officer, University of Essex, UK
Senior research officer, University of Essex, UK
The successful candidate will work as a part of a team of a research project ‘500 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe’ (LineUp), which is funded by the NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe).
This international collaborative research involves partners from the UK, Germany, Netherlands, and Turkey. It aims to collect data on the complete genealogies of 500 Turkish families in Europe and Turkey and to interview a selected number of family members (around 6000) of these genealogies. This research focuses on migration patterns of the Turkish immigrants in Europe and investigates transmission of resources, behaviour, and values across multiple generations. The Turkish families will be selected by screening five high migrant sending regions in Turkey.

We are looking for an enthusiastic post doctoral researcher with the knowledge, skills, and experience to play a full and active part in all aspects of this project. Under the supervision of Dr Güveli, the tasks of the successful candidate will concentrate on the management of the survey data collection, tracing the members of the 500 Turkish families, organizing meetings, liaising with the partners and conducting research. The main tasks comprise the preparation of the questionnaires, managing the screening in Turkey, tracing the family members and publishing articles and reports.

A doctorate in sociology, economics, demography or a related social science and excellent Turkish and English communication skills are essential. Also required is knowledge of Turkish immigrants in Europe and experience of quantitative research skills.

This research is administered by the University of Essex and it is hosted in the Department of Sociology. The candidate should start in January 2010 or as soon as possible after this date.

Please use the link below for a full job description, person specification and further information relating to this post. Please read this information carefully before applying for this post as it contains details of documents that must be attached to your application. Applications should be made on-line, but if you would like advice or help in making an application, or need information in a different format, please telephone (01206 874588/873521).
Further information about this post on the website.

Deadline: 2009/11/30
Country or region: United Kingdom
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