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Activity date 2010-04-21 - 2010-04-25 Activity type - Training course Target group - Youth leaders, Youth workers Support people involved in EVS For participants from Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Turkey, EASTERN EUROPE AND CAUCASUS, Switzerland Group size - 30 Venue place, venue country - Istanbul, Turkey Costs - need to be checked with the National Agency of your country Working language - English Deadline 2010-02-11 Date of selection 2010-02-21 Downloads http://www.salto-youth.net/static/downloads/training_downloads.php/2277/SOHO%20InfoPack_pax_2009-10.pdf Apply online http://www.salto-youth.net/applicationonline/329/ The participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus will be selected by SALTO EECA, e-mail: eeca@salto-youth.net Read more http :// www.salto-youth.net/find-a-training/1507.html?&search=&termin_von=2009-11-01&termin_bis=2011-10-31&
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IUPUI Scholarships for International Freshmen IUPUI (Indiana U-Purdue U Indianapolis) highly desires international beginning freshman applicants with excellent SAT or ACT scores, outstanding performance in a rigorous university-preparat ory curriculum, and extensive experience with community service and involvement for its premier competitive scholarship programs. Students must submit separate applications for admission and scholarship programs by December 1 to be considered. Questions? Visit iapply.iupui. edu Contact iapply@iupui. edu. Bepko Scholars and Fellows (BepkoScholars. iupui.edu) receive financial, academic, and programming support for up to eight years of undergraduate and graduate or professional study at IUPUI, with potential total award packages valued at $80,000. Plater Distinguished Scholars receive $8,000 per year for up to four years of study, partial funding for one year of on-campus housing in International House, and a stipend t
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Dear All, We are Private Cihangir Schools from Istanbul/Turkey. We would like to participate comenius project this year . If you are looking for a partner to your projects we have very enthusiastic students age: 7-12, age: 13-15 and age: 15-18. We would like to host you here in Turkey as well! Our school is experienced in many EU projects and we have clubs both in primary and secondary school to carry out these projects. For detailed information about our school you can  visit our web site: www.cihangir. k12.tr Please contact to me if you have further questions
King regards
identities, gender an Posted by: "Lorenzo Dugulin" mailto:dugulin.renzo@libero.it dugulinlorenzo Call for abstracts for the International Symposium "Identities, gender and in-equalities" January 5th, 2010 Trieste, Italy The Â"International Research Center for Intercultural Studies” (C.I.R.S.I.) promotes an International symposium on "Identities, gender and in-equalities" in order to extend and deepen the debate on gender and migration launched by the first issue of the Quarterly Journal Â"Temperanter” which will be presented on that occasion (Â"Temperanter”, n. 1, January-March 2010: Â"Women and Equal Opportunities: a Challenge for Everyone”). Segregation and exclusion of non-dominant ethnic, linguistic, sexual, religious, etc. groups, have been consolidated through time by the instauration of a discriminatory system based on the imposition of false and subordinating representations. A wider interest on these topics has de
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Posted by: "CEIPES" mailto: iniziativeuropee@yahoo.it Call for partners LLP 2010 call for proposals: http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc848_en.htm Comenius multilateral projects
CEIPES is developing a new project proposal in the frame work of LLP – Comenius multilateral projects. The deadline to present proposals is the 26 of February 2010.
Project summary The main aim of the project is to design and experiment a training course on non-formal education to be delivered to teachers. The project foresee as well the implementation of the new learning achievements in the class room in order to verify the impact on non-formal education in the school context. More concrete objectives are: 1. To introduce teachers to a more participative, learner centred and human approach. 2. To facilitate teachers the achievement of new competences that can be used in the class room. 3. To foster the
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Posted by: "CGE Erfurt e.V. Info" mailto:cge-erfurt@gmx.de
Dear colleagues and friends,
European Citizenship and youth participation are core issues within the YOUTH IN ACTION programme of the European Commission. Nevertheless there is a lack of concrete working material, methodical hints and practical guidance for youth workers dealing with the issues. The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts from European level, trainers, leaders and youth workers to discuss the meaning of European Citizenship and youth participation, possible ways to break the issues down for the practice in international youth work and to come up with creative and innovative approaches, ideas and support for practitioners in the international youth field.
The title of the meeting is:
"1st International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?"
The meeting will be realized in Germany, summer 2010 with approx. 50 participants from all member countries
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Posted by: "elena" mailto:elena_vagger@yahoo.gr elena_vagger
Dear partners , dear volunteers,
EDRA is a Greek NGO located in Athens active in EVS for the last 4 years. Our activities are related to mental health and intellectual disabilities.
Due a cancellation, we are looking urgently for an EVS volunteer from UK for our project 2007-GR-47
01> . Please follow the link for the description of the project: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_en.cfm
In general, the tasks of the volunteer include supporting mental health patients in their rehabilitation process and their integration into social life...and more.
We offer a 10 month project to a volunteer from UK, starting the earliest possible (deadline for arrival in Greece is 31st January 2010).
The project is already approved, so, what we need from our partner is only to suggest us any interested volunteer to work in the field of m
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Posted by: "Youth Group" mailto:group.youth@yahoo.com
Dear partners,
For 1st February deadline our organization have a project proposal for minority issues. Attachment you can find the info pack and Part III form of our project.
If you want to take a part at our project please fill the Part III form and send us by e-mail to mailto:cnkldr@gmail.com
Thanks for your cooperation,
Project Team.
Posted by: "thought.association@mail.bg" mailto:thought.association@mail.bg
Partners thoughtassociation
Arts in action /Look at me, Hear me…/ Youth exchange In the surroundings of Sofia, Bulgaria ? May, 2010
Context and motivation
In the European year of creativity and innovation the main aim of our project is to support the different interests of the youngsters in order to provoke their artistic abilities. Also we would like to sustain already built connections and to stimulate more successful collaboration among young people from Europe. The young Europeans need to realize that it is already high time to express their opinion about their concerns to the world. We believe that the tools of the art are one of the best ways to do that.
Goals and Objectives We want to use the diverse artistic skills of the youngsters in order to support them to crea
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Posted by: "musa" mailto:musatokmak4@yahoo.com.tr
musatokmak4 Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:41 pm (PST)
Title:Action 3.1 Youth Exchange "Culture and Life Clip" Project Date:14-21 June 2010 Venue:Ankara, Turkey Theme:In our life video making gets more important and we share video clips via internet.This project is about our countries life and video making and sharing experinces.The project is ready and we would like to find more four partners to collabrate with us. Contact: http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/musatokmak@yahoo.com
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