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This conference is for postgraduate history of education researchers registered at European universities and post-doctoral historians of education who are interested in the histories of European educational spaces and discourses and new ways of working with images, artefacts and archives. Leading international historians of education will offer advice about the research process, including publication, and there will be opportunities for students to discuss their research topics and to network.
The conference is supported by the European Educational Research Association, the Paedagogica Historica
Foundation, the International Standing Conference for History of Education (ISCHE) and the Graduate School, University of Ghent. It is organised by EERA Network 17 ‘Histories of Education’ and the Universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Ghent and Leuven.
The conference is free. Students will only have to cover the costs of their travel to Gent. Places are limited to 2 ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 747 | added: mety_ety | date: 25.11.2009 | comments (0)

Welcome to the newest and hopefully one of the most stimulating and provocative Areas of the Popular Culture Association. Throughout recorded history, those regarded as mentally ill have frightened, fascinated and challenged us to look deep within the human experience for answers to the most fundamental of questions about ourselves and each other.

The study of Psychology which is rooted in Philosophy has offered many fascinating explanations for our behavior, both normal and deviant. However, it has only been within the recent past that Psychology and Popular Culture Studies have come together in attempts to answer some of these age-old questions.

Please consider submitting an electronic abstract of 150-250 words on a topic that intersects psychology, mental health/illness and popular culture. Deadline is 12/15/2009. Suggested topics include:
Depictions of mental health and mental illness in
• Movies, television or animation
• Literature, comics or grap ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 723 | added: mety_ety | date: 25.11.2009 | comments (0)

Two events will be organized during the 2nd of December this year: Congressional Briefing Gender and HIV - Why Women Matter and Partners Forum HIV and Marginalized Populations Congressional Briefing

Gender and HIV - Why Women Matter

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009
11 am-12:30 pm
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2200
Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.

Lunch will be served

In many parts of the world, HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately affect women and girls. Gender inequalities are a major driver of the pandemic, as women often face barriers to prevention, care and treatment services.

Join the Global Health Council for a briefing to discuss critical issues around gender and HIV, the integration of family planning and HIV prevention, and approaches to integrating prevention of mother to child transmission
with HIV care and antiretroviral treatment services.

Speakers: Heather Boonstra, Senior Public Policy Associate, Gutt ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 718 | added: mety_ety | date: 25.11.2009 | comments (0)

In recent years, the conventional methodology and topics of mainstream research in political science have been questioned by various developments. Indeed, at the end of the 20th century, it became clear that the study of traditional subjects in political science (such as voting and political parties), as well as the use of statistical methods alone, allowed for neither an accurate analysis of the phenomena studied nor a comprehension of politics in all its complexity (Levy & Zwicky 1980, Fillieule 1997).
In reference to the School of Chicago (for instance Becker 2001), several authors, especially in France and in the United States, have in the last ten years advocated a widening application of ethnographic methods towards the study of political phenomena, by including new political objects of research (Qualitative Sociology 2006, Buffat 2007).
We will address the question of what influence these developments have on the contemporary political research in Europe ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 677 | added: mety_ety | date: 25.11.2009 | comments (0)

Soros International House is organizing Lifelong Learning program Grundtvig workshop The project has been funded with the support from European Commission. There are 20 places available (three of them are for the hosting country) for the European Union member states, Iceland, Norway (EFTA-EEA countries) and Turkey (candidate country) . We coordialy invite all, who have got interested in this workshop and who are full of creative ideas on how to encourage and stimulate civic actions among people while using visual arts in open spaces for their self expression. The full application
form is available at

Country or region: Lithuania

category: conferences and training courses | looked: 601 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

SAPA is a peace network, which works in the South Asian region to promote peace through nonviolent action. It has its Core Group organizations in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. SAPA’s member organizations aim to promote sustainable peace through the philosophy and practice of Ahimsa (nonviolence) by addressing structural and other forms of violence that affects a large number of marginalized people across the region. SAPA is organizing workshop on Strengthening Democracy through Nonviolence from December 9 to18, 2009 and to be held in India. This workshop aims to develop an understanding of democracy (its values and practice), clarify the role of non-violence as a philosophy and method in relation to a much broader power distribution within South Asian societies to identify specific and real challenges in South Asia. ICYO has been asked to selecting and nominating one or two youths from India. Youths who are deeply committed to the values of nonviol ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 671 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

The criticism of methodological nationalism has opened up new ways to conduct research on global and transnational dynamics. Nowadays, the common methodological statement is that societal spaces cannot be regarded as equal to territorial spaces.
Organized by the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS)Bielefeld University (Germany, )

Prominent methodological proposals are suggested by the global ethnography approach, the cosmopolitan theory, and the transnational approach. While the first combines large-scale ethnography with detailed examinations of everyday life, the second proposes to conduct research simultaneously on different spatial scales, such as global, transnational, national, and local dimensions. And the third, the transnational approach, refers to relational concepts of spatiality. Thus, this conference will link debates on new methodological approaches with the discussion of problematic issues within empirical research on global and ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 745 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. You should send two abstracts. The first one should include your name, institution, and e-mail (for example, click here). However the other one should include only title and text of your abstract.

Abstract submission: 15 December 2009
Notification of abstracts: 1 January 2010
Full paper submission: 1 March 2010
Notification of full papers: 15 April 2010

Deadline: 2009/12/15
Country or region: Turkey
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 699 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

The Kadoorie Institute, The University of Hong Kong, in association with The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) and ERP Environment, publishers of the international journal Sustainable Development are pleased to announce the 16thAnnual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. The conference will be held at The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong on 30 May – 1 June 2010.
The Conference this year focuses on exploring opportunities and managing implications for post-financial crisis in the pursuit of sustainability. We invite contributions relating to integrated policies, cross-sectoral governance and issues concerning climate change. We welcome papers on the latest developments associated with sustainable development and the innovations and practical measures addressing global challenges
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 731 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

Organisers: Jean-Claude Barbier (CES, Paris I), Fabrice Colomb (CES-Matisse, Paris I), Johan Bo Davidsson (European University Institute) In collaboration with ESPAnet, University Paris1-Sorbonne and the RT 6 network (social policy, social protection and solidarity) of the French association of sociology are organising a doctoral workshop on comparative methodologies and the transformation of social policies. The aim of the workshop is to create a venue for PhD students to present their research with the aim of further developing their dissertations, and/or transforming them into scientific publications.
Senior researchers will act as lecturers and discussants. They will present papers related to the theme of the workshop and they will give comments and feedback on the papers presented by PhD students. The overall theme of the workshop is the transformation of social policies in a comparative perspective. We welcome abstracts related to one of the three topics below. However, ... read more
category: conferences and training courses | looked: 741 | added: mety_ety | date: 24.11.2009 | comments (0)

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